Here at First Street Dental we consider ourselves active members of the Mount Pearl and St. John's community.
We support our families' local school sports teams, community programs, Newfoundland & Labrador Housing & Homelessness Network, Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Crime Prevention publications, Canadian Cancer Society, the regional food bank, Frosty Festival, the Royal Canadian Legion, and Mount Pearl Movie Night for children each summer.
In the past, one of the highlights of our year was seeing our "Chernobyl" children each summer for their dental treatment. These children were sponsored each summer to stay with local families in the area to improve their health. It was very rewarding to see the changes in these children as they benefited from our fresh air, healthy food, medical and dental treatment. Unfortunately the program is no longer running as all the children have grown, but they still hold a special place in our hearts.
Periodically you may see new faces at our office. We provide support to the local training college for student dental assistants and receptionists, T.I. Murphy Centre, WISE and various government supported training programs.
Please call our office at (709) 364-6185 from home or your cell phone and we will be happy to reschedule your appointment.
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