If you are missing teeth and need to add a more youthful appearance to your smile, come to us for dentures.
Full tooth loss has several causes. It can happen as a result from injury, decay, or removal by a dentist for reasons of health.
To remedy the appearance of removed teeth, we can use dentures. A denture is an instrument placed into the mouth to hold false teeth in place. Realistic appearance and realistic functionality are two of the main features of modern dentures. Our dentures allow you to live a normal life by having normal appearance and functionality. Replacing toothless areas results in greatly increased chewing ability, visual appeal, and pronounciation.
We supply both full and partial dentures. A full denture is used to replaced an entire set of teeth, where a partial denture replaces only sections of lost teeth.
If you need more information about Dentures in the St. John's Area, contact us today.
Please call our office at (709) 364-6185 from home or your cell phone and we will be happy to reschedule your appointment.
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